Wednesday, September 2, 2009

C- Fighter Anti-Corruption Guide - Word for the Day - 02-09-09



The arena, outside of the family, state and market where people associate to advance a common set of interests. Voluntary and community groups, non-governmental
organisations (NGOs), trade unions and faith-based organisations commonly are included in this sphere, making the term broader than an NGO.

Example in practice

- An assessment of Mali’s civil society has shown that at the grassroots level, there are numerous parents’ associations, community committees on health, women’s associations and other groups that have come together to advocate for their members’ interests vis-àvis the government’s provision of services. National-level groups, such as those representing journalists, have also formed, including to pressure the government to better and more systematically address corruption and poverty.
- In 2008 the Caribbean Procurement Institute and the International Federation of Purchasing and Supply Management (IFPSM) sponsored the establishment of the non-profit Caribbean Association of Procurement Professionals (CAPP) a civil society organisation dedicated to promoting public procurement reform and enhancing procurement professionalism throughout the Caribbean region.
- The C-Fighter Community (Right here!) is an example of a civil society initiative to help curb corruption in society. Join the C-Fighter Community on LMG World TV.

Relevant links

—— Civicus.

—— BBC World Service: Civil Society - The Ultimate Third Way.—cyclopedia/1156120.stm

—— European Commission: Justice and Home Affairs – Freedom, Security and Justice

—— UN Non-Governmental Liaison Service.

—— World Bank: Civil Society.,,pagePK:220469~theSite

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